Lab Report #9 Tifany Watson JSerial Dilution and Pour Plate Technique Introduction: The objective of this lab is to learn the process of enumeration to determine the number of microorganisms in a sample. Serial Dilution - Download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. Linearity determines the range over which lab tests are accurate and reportable. prepare a dilute solution from a more concentrated one.prepare a solution of known concentration.proficiently calculate molarities for solutions.Upon completion of this lab, the student should be able to. 180 × 233 - 9k - jpg Food microbiology laboratory 638 × 826 - 206k - jpg Homework #6 Serial Dilution - Serial Dilution Homework Name Ashley.Įxperiment 16. MRA Lab Report 638 × 904 - 85k - jpg 2 Make a serial dilution series 1 ml volume each of 15 75 375 188.